Recently we were part of the report Strong Together at Trans Europe Express.

Efficiency in the cross-docking module

One of the key points we highlighted in this video report was the introduction of the cross-docking module. In which TEE acts as a hub where incoming goods are immediately unloaded and then redistributed to their final destination without warehouse storage. As a result, Trans Europe Express can shorten time and reduce operational costs. And through the integration of the cross-docking module in TAS, they now also gain more insight into these activities.

The cross-dock process minimizes storage time, allowing companies to respond more flexibly to market demand. This not only increases the efficiency of the logistics process, but also reduces the ecological footprint, as less energy is spent on storage facilities.

Transport of the Future: Sustainability as a Priority

In addition to the cross-docking module, the focus of our video report was on sustainability in the transport of the future. Trans Europe Express has taken significant steps to reduce the impact of their logistics activities on the environment.

The transportation of the future is driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and the need to take responsibility for the environmental impact of business activities. TAS-tms plays a crucial role in this and supports their customers in the digital revolution that is already being felt today.

With the cross-docking module as the backbone of logistics operations and sustainability as a guideline for the future, we can safely say that the path to a more efficient and greener transport industry has been taken.

If you are curious about the report, watch our video by clicking here.